New York Maple Syrup products
Pure, Natural, and Delicious from our Family Trees to Yours

Unopened items may be returned for a refund of the merchandise value within 20 days of the purchase date. You can expect a refund to your credit card within 5 business days of our receiving your return. It may take up to 30 days to post to your credit card statement.
Return Instructions
If a return of an item is needed, please call to initiate the return at: (607)652-4261
Ship unopened product to:
Thompson’s Sugar Shack LLC
245 North Harpersfield Road, Jefferson, NY 12093
*Your name, address and order number must be included with your shipment in order to process your return. Without the order number your return will not be processed.
Damaged Products
For a full replacement of damaged products you will need to supply 2 clear photos: one of the damaged products and one of the damaged shipping box, along with your name, address and order number. Without the order number your return will not be processed.
Damaged Product Instructions:
Send all photos to thompsonsugarshack@yahoo.com
Subject line must read Damaged Product