New York Maple Syrup products

Pure, Natural, and Delicious from our Family Trees to Your Table

Maple Balsamic Roasted Brussel Sprouts


  • 2-3 cups of Brussel Sprouts

  • 3 tbsp Maple Balsamic Vinegar

  • 1 dash coarse Sea Salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste

  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil


  1. Heat oven to 375 F

  2. Wash and dry Brussel sprouts and cut off brown ends

  3. Place Brussel sprouts on single layer on a foil-lined pan

  4. In a small bowl, whisk together Maple Vinegar, salt & pepper

  5. While whisking, drizzle in olive oil

  6. Drizzle dressing over the sprouts. Reserving some for serving

  7. Roast in oven for 25 minutes, turning once. Brussels Sprouts will be down when brown and carmelized

  8. Serve the Brussels sprouts with an extra drizzle of the dressing if you wish, but they are also delicious just as they are from the oven. Enjoy.

Recipe Origin:

5 recipe categories
Some recipes overlap
Every one delicious!

** Maple Syrup
Granulated Maple Sugar
** Maple Balsamic Vinegar
Maple Mustard
Maple Cream